South East Asia – liaison, z. s.

Intermediation between Czech Republic and Vietnam (SE Asia)

South East Asia – liaison, z. s.

Klub Hanoi is a group of people interested in Southeast Asia and especially in Vietnam, its culture, history, traditions, and life of the Vietnamese community in the Czech Republic.

More about us

Our goals

To provide high-quality information to each other

To establish and develop cooperation between subjects from both cultures in the Czech Republic and the SRV (Southeast Asia)

To manage an information office and a cultural educational centre to support the integration of migrants in the Czech Republic

To act as a mediator between the two cultures in conflict management

To implement development activities in Southeast Asia

To use our experience in formulating suggestions for the entire world society

Our activities

Website and Facebook
Information service
Integration projects
Intercultural work
Counselling services
Lectures and exhibitions
Translating and interpreting
Arts and cultural events
Sporting events
Collaboration with media
Libraries and publications
Discussions and civil society
Development cooperation
Film and documentary
Czech and Vietnamese language courses
Vietnamese Studies
The Vietnamese – a national minority in the Czech Republic
Family Centre

Account number

We welcome contributions or donations to the bank account at Česká spořitelna:

2105343359/0800; IBAN CZ41 0800 0000002105343359; BIC – Swift code of the bank: GIBACZPX

Classrooms and offices

By prior arrangement (by phone, e-mail, or Facebook message)

Praha 1

(doorbell SANGU)
Václavské náměstí 57
110 00, Praha 1

Praha 4

OC Písnice (2nd floor)
Libušská 400/115
142 00, Praha 4